Dignity and precision N64


This was my first level ever created but remains one that I enjoy redoing, but hasn't been cleared yet!!! 
Mark this: It can be done in 12 seconds, but I average about 15-18 seconds clear (and has a time limit of 30 seconds).
It is a bit stressful, but the reward message is worth every minute you spend trying to perfect only a few jumps. Spikes at the end mess with your brain, but it is easy if you think about it! If you made it this far into the description, here's a freebie: Mandatory power-up.

All my levels are platformers and have almost no RNG. So it's really up to you to make it to the end. You can find, from 39 levels created, from easy (identified with the letter A) to super expert levels. They all are marked accordingly and give an approx amount of lives you will probably lose to make it to the end. IF my approximation was correct, do drop a like :) 

No luck required ! And there are no pixel perfect jumps, here. There is the Battleship infiltrator that has a route where you may have to do a pixel perfect jump once or twice depending on how many keys you have found! <- super expert level. Precision platforming :) 

Thank you for trying them!


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It is challenging. You have to earn that victory message (it is worth it). - Random neuroscience student. Finding answers where knowledge seems to have reached its limits.

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